
Lune Spirituality


Our mission is to offer a warm and loving presence to those seeking depth, clarity, and healing in their life and spirituality.

We envision a compassionate and regenerative spirituality that invites you to uncover and grow into a truer version of yourself – believing this is the foundation of love, purpose, and change in the world.


Awareness We invite gentle awareness for the sake of greater authenticity and freedom.

Hospitality We welcome all people and all experiences with warmth and care.

Compassion We hold all people and all experiences with empathetic compassion and non-judgment.

Perseverance We acknowledge life is messy, but we practice staying with our experience to heal and grow.

Trust We cultivate an environment of trust, which forms the basis of connection, growth, and healing.


Spiritual Direction In spiritual direction, we listen attentively and contemplatively to notice, feel, and respond to your experiences in relationship to God, moving towards a deepened spiritual awareness and relationship.


Lune Spirituality takes its name from the French word for moon, which is a profound spiritual symbol. The moon’s reflection of the sun, its cycle of waxing and waning, its relationship to changing tides, and its embodiment of femininity and mystery all engender a richness and depth in thought and action. The word lune also phonetically suggests my home state’s bird, the loon, which calls to mind the woods, water, and nature of northern Minnesota, a setting which inspires introspection, awe, beauty, and wonder – important elements of a life well and fully lived.



Lindsay McGlynn


As a practitioner, I am grounded in a contemplative spirituality that honors, learns and draws from the sacred wisdom of women, bodies, nature, psychology, history, and tradition. My personal spirituality has been formed by an ongoing journey towards greater integration. Some of the words I use to help express my way of being in the world are contemplative, introvert, highly sensitive person, empath, without children. These traits or aspects of my life have been difficult to own and celebrate in some religious settings and American culture at large. This gives me a big heart for those who struggle to feel a sense of belonging because they don’t fit into a prescribed mold.

I grew up knowing a judgmental and exacting God, but the gradual discovery of a gentle and compassionate God has helped me learn to welcome my whole self with kindness and love. This practice of self-welcome continues to slowly transform my experience not only of myself, but also of my spirituality and relationship to others. A longing to share this experience of God and spirituality with others is is what brought me to spiritual direction and companionship. As such, my commitment to you is to hold you in warm, compassionate, loving, non-judgmental space as you explore your spiritual past, present, and future – and what it means for your special and singular life.

As a spiritual director, I have been formed in the contemplative Christian traditions of Benedictine and Ignatian spirituality. I receive nourishment from these spiritualities, and from Christian mysticism more broadly, as well as from the beauty I experience in nature, art and life-giving relationship.



+ Mind-Body Coaching Certificate
The Embody Lab, 2023

+ M.A. Ministry
St. John’s University School of Theology, 2020

+ Graduate Certificate – Spiritual Direction
St. John’s University School of Theology, 2020

+ Graduate Certificate – Spirituality and Leadership
St. Catherine University, 2018