
Spiritual Direction


Are faith and spirituality important to you, but you feel disconnected, overwhelmed, or lost? Come sit in the soft glow of love and let’s find your way together.



Spiritual direction is a soul friendship between two people that focuses on the inner life. Together we might explore with things such as your sense of purpose, your image of God, internalized messages from your religious background, parts of yourself that are difficult to accept, new spiritual practices, your deepest desires, and more.

We meet once or twice per month depending on your desires. As spiritual director, I offer a warm spaciousness and listen contemplatively to help you notice, feel, and respond to your experiences in relationship to God, self, and others. I will offer reflective statements, thoughtful questions, and affirming awarenesses designed to help you go deeper. This all occurs in a container of safety, love, and non-judgment.

WHo might benefit from spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is for anyone seeking to connect with or deepen their spiritual life in a safe and welcoming environment. My practice tends to resonate with those longing for any of the following:

Healing from your religious background, such as:

  • Painful messages you received about yourself and how you “should” be

  • An unloving image or experience of God

  • Shame about your imperfect past or present

  • Feeling like you can’t fully be yourself in religious settings

  • Feeling deeply spiritual but not feeling at home in church

Connection to God, self, and others, such as:

  • Deeper personal relationship with God

  • The inner freedom to be who and how God created you

  • Spiritual practices that foster your connection to God

  • Growing in love, peace, joy, trust, patience, compassion

  • Greater awareness of the sacred in the ordinary

Discernment of a life decision or direction, such as:

  • Your sense of purpose, values and/or vocation

  • Your way of being in the world

  • Marriage, parenthood, a move, a career change

  • Loving boundaries

Loving support in difficult times, such as:

  • Loss and grief

  • Big life transitions

  • Flare-ups of fear or anxiety


We can meet in-person if you are in Minnesota, or virtually if you are located elsewhere. Typically we meet once per month for spiritual direction, although some elect to meet twice per month for added support.


Do you have other questions?

Email me to receive a Spiritual Direction Welcome Packet!



This year has been very challenging and I often experienced a gracious, loving and personal God, who met me where I was, when meeting with Lindsay. Being able to bring my grief, confusion and anger to these sessions, without judgment, allowed me to wrestle with God through them in a way I haven’t experienced, and desperately needed, in my healing journey.

-product manager


Spiritual direction with Lindsay helped me see a different way to connect with God – one that was open, expectant and curious. Having always struggled with vulnerability, I decided up front that I would put that behind me and approach every session with rawness, hoping that Lindsay could handle it. She could, and I believe because she didn’t try to change it or judge it. She just presented it to God. This was life-changing with how I view being in community.



I love when I get to start my Sunday mornings with Lindsay. Our appointments are virtual and her care and wholehearted listening is still felt from thousands of miles away. It never fails to delight me when one of her questions leads to a new understanding and I see a smile light up her face. Lindsay's presence is nurturing and supportive and I very much enjoy her virtual companionship.



I look forward to meeting with Lindsay monthly. She listens with her heart and is spirit-led when providing insights for me to ponder. She encourages me to be curious rather than fearful, accepting grace rather than feeling shame, and encourages me to be how God created me, rather than fit a preconceived mold. I am so thankful God brought us together for this part of my journey.



Lindsay invited me in to the silence, provided an attentive spacious place for me to pay attention to God’s voice and offered me the room to listen and respond.



Lindsay is an excellent listener and provided a safe space for me to verbally process things that I would normally just suppress or ignore. Spiritual direction with her has helped me to grow in my relationship with God by giving me an avenue that encourages spiritual exploration, questions and pondering. I grew up in a church tradition that didn’t give space for questions and I know I still hold the effects of that teaching today.



Lindsay offers a loving, attentive, listening presence. She is faith-filled, caring, kind, gentle, generous, compassionate, and gracious, which I believe creates a safe and inviting environment for those she works with. She is self-aware, careful in her speech, and non-judgmental. Lindsay has many gifts and strengths in listening, as well as a deep commitment to listen for the Spirit with her directees and in her own life.